St. John Bosco founded the Society of St. Francis de Sales in the year 1859. Persuaded by our Blessed Mother Mary, who insisted that he should take care also of poor and abandoned girls he founded the Congregation of the Daughters of Mary help of Christians with Mary Domenica Mazzarello as its Co-foundress.Welcome to Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco
On 5 August 1872, with the profession of the first nine sisters among who was Mary Mazzarello, the Congregation was born at Mornese, her native village in the region of Piedmond, north Italy. Both the Congregations have the same spirit and charism, same spirituality and the unique educative method known as the Preventive System. The feminine version… {Read More}
Our Vision
“Through a gift of the Holy Spirit and with the direct intervention of Mary, St. John Bosco founded our Institute as a response of salvation to the profound hopes of girls and young women. He endowed it with a spiritual heritage inspired by the charity of Christ, the Good Shepherd, and imparted to it a strong missionary characteristic.” (Const. FMA 1)
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A Two-Day Spiritual Enrichment for Junior Sisters
"Nurturing Vocation: A Two-Day Spiritual Enrichment for Junior Sisters" Juniors’ animation program was held at the Provincial House on February 1st and 2nd, with 15 juniors participating in the meeting.…
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Junior Sisters Animation A two-day Renewal programme was held at Auxilium Navajeevana, Guduvanahalli on 10th and 11th of October 2024, marked by a series of spiritually enriching events. The programme,…
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"My soul magnifies the Lord " Our hearts echo the same hymn of gratitude to God as we celebrated the 60 and 50 years of golden grace in our jubilarians.…
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First Profession-24/05/2025 In an act of unlimited faith and prompt obedience to Jesus’ command ,Peter the Apostle declares “At your Word Lord, I will let down the nets”(Lk 5:5).24 th…
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When the day of Pentecost came, the believers were all together in one place.
Acts 2:1